Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Logic Apps and EDI (V)

This post continues the Logic Apps and EDI series of post, that I began weeks ago:

In this post I go to explain how monitor and tracking B2B scenarios using OMS.

The first step is configure to start enable logging of EDIFACT messages to monitor success, errors and message properties.

Go to your Resource Group and select your Integration Account, in properties select Diagnostic Logs and then click on Turn on diagnostics to collect the following logs:

Set Status = On, check Log > IntegrationAccountTrackingEvents and select "Send to Log Analytics":

Click on Configure, you can create a new OMS Workspace or select an existent one:

Now it's time to configure the OMS Workspace. Go to your Resource Group, select the OMS and click on OMS Portal:

In OMS Portal, select Solutions Gallery:

Search and select Logic Apps B2B:

Click on Add:

On your OMS Home page, will be the Logic Apps B2B Messages:

If you click on Logic Apps B2B Messages, you can see the stadistics for each B2B protocol:

Also you can see the detail for each message:

Even you can do searches, sort the messages, ....

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