I start this series of post, talking about how to test our Logic Apps with SpecFlow for Visual Studio 2015. This week I have attended the event "Automated Testing with Logic Apps and Specflow" by Michael Stephenson and I will put in practice some of the ideas that Michael Stephenson talked in that event.
I will use my demo scenario that I used on Global Integration Bootcamp 2017:
In this scenario, when I put an XML message with some orders in a Service Bus Queue, the Logic App gets the message, validates the XML, transform the XML, adds a contact in Insightly and for each order in the input XML, it sends a JSON message to another Service Bus Queue.
I begin my series of post with a Black-Box test, putting a message in de input queue and waiting for the result in the output queue.
With SpecFlow is very easy to express what I want to test, this is SpecFlow feature for my test:
I will use my demo scenario that I used on Global Integration Bootcamp 2017:
I begin my series of post with a Black-Box test, putting a message in de input queue and waiting for the result in the output queue.
With SpecFlow is very easy to express what I want to test, this is SpecFlow feature for my test:
Feature: Blackbox test for my MyIntegrationLogicApp
Testing Logic Apps with SpecFlow
Scenario: Blackbox - Receive a new orders on the queue
Given The queue is empty
| Queue name |
| neworders |
And The queue is empty
| Queue name |
| neworder_json |
When Put a new orders message with orders on input queue
| Queue name |
| neworders | |
Then the output queue have messages
| Queue name | Number of messages |
| neworder_json | 2 |
Testing Logic Apps with SpecFlow
Scenario: Blackbox - Receive a new orders on the queue
Given The queue is empty
| Queue name |
| neworders |
And The queue is empty
| Queue name |
| neworder_json |
When Put a new orders message with orders on input queue
| Queue name |
| neworders | |
Then the output queue have messages
| Queue name | Number of messages |
| neworder_json | 2 |
Now we have to implement our class to link with these requirements. I called it BlackboxSteps.cs and this is the structure and namespaces:
using System; using System.IO; using System.Xml; using Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; using TechTalk.SpecFlow; namespace LogicAppUnitTestProject.Features.Whitebox { [Binding] [Scope(Feature = "Blackbox test for my MyIntegrationLogicApp", Scenario = "Blackbox - Receive a new orders on the queue")] public class BlackboxSteps { } }For the Given conditions, I only have to connect to the queue with the name that I pass on the SpecFlow parameters and check that there isn't any message:
[Given("The queue is empty")] public void CheckQueueIsEmpty(Table parameters) { var connectionString = "YOUR CONNECTION STRING"; // Check the parameters string queueName = ""; bool existParameter = parameters.Rows[0].TryGetValue("Queue name", out queueName); Assert.IsTrue(existParameter); // Check if there are messages var client = QueueClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, queueName); BrokeredMessage receivedMessage = client.Peek(); Assert.IsNull(receivedMessage); }
[When("Put a new orders message with orders on input queue")] public void PutMessageOnQueue(Table parameters) { var connectionString = "YOUR CONNECTION STRING"; // Check the parameters string queueName = ""; bool existParameter = parameters.Rows[0].TryGetValue("Queue name", out queueName); Assert.IsTrue(existParameter); // Send the XML message var client = QueueClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, queueName); XmlDocument ordersRequestXml = new XmlDocument(); ordersRequestXml.LoadXml("For the Then condition, I only have to receive the spected number of messages in the queue with the name. The number of messages and the queue name are SpecFlow parameters, If I receive more messages or less, my test will fail:"); MemoryStream mStream = new MemoryStream(); ordersRequestXml.Save(mStream); mStream.Position = 0; var message = new BrokeredMessage(mStream); client.Send(message); } C0001 Jose Martin 95625353 GIB Customer 1000 1 2000 5 2016-11-20T14:26:00
[Then("the output queue have messages")] public void CheckOutputQueueMessages(Table parameters) { var connectionString = "YOUR CONNECTION STRING"; // Check the parameters string queueName = ""; string strNoMessages = ""; int noMessages = 0; bool existParameterQueueName = parameters.Rows[0].TryGetValue("Queue name", out queueName); bool existParameterNoMessages = parameters.Rows[0].TryGetValue("Number of messages", out strNoMessages); Assert.IsTrue(existParameterQueueName); Assert.IsTrue(existParameterNoMessages); Assert.IsTrue(int.TryParse(strNoMessages, out noMessages)); // Receive the messages var client = QueueClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, queueName, ReceiveMode.ReceiveAndDelete); for (int i = 0; i < noMessages; i++) { BrokeredMessage receivedMessage = client.Receive(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30)); Assert.IsNotNull(receivedMessage); } // Check if queue is null BrokeredMessage otherMessages = client.Peek(); Assert.IsNull(otherMessages); }The last step and the easiest is check that my test works. We run this test as wichever unit test we had:
1 comment:
hi good post but how to do test for transform xml step? any help ? thanks
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