Monday, April 22, 2019

Connect to your on-premises SAP system from Azure Logic Apps (I)

In this blog post, I will share how we can expose and consume SAP functionality with Logic Apps, with the SAP ERP Central Component (ECC) connector.

This connector allow us to work with on-premises SAP systems through on-premises data gateway:
  • S/4 HANA 
This connector uses the SAP .NET Connector (NCo) library and supports this actions:
  • Send to SAP: we can send an Intermediate Document (IDoc) or call Business Application Programming Interface (BAPI) functions over tRFC in SAP systems. The on-premises data gateway acts as a RFC client and forwards the request received from Logic Apps to SAP.
  • Receive from SAP: we can receive IDoc or BAPI function calls over tRFC from SAP systems. The on-premises data gateway acts as a RFC server and forwards that receives request from SAP and forwards to Logic Apps,
  • Generate schemas: we can generate schemas for the SAP artifacts for IDoc or BAPI or Remote Function Call (RFC).


We need to connect from our Logic App to the SAP on-premise, then we need to implement some steps before we can access to SAP:
  • Install on-premises data gateway on any on-premises computer with access to the SAP system. Very important: ensure that te Region is the same when you install the software on the machine with the Region when you create the resource in Azure:

Now we can connect from a Logic App, through the Data Gateway to the SAP System, in the next post of this series, I will explain you how and how we can Generate Schemas:

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