Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Enterprise Single Sign-on Service (SSO) as a configuration store (II)

In previous article, I explained how to create an affiliate application in SSO. The most important thing was this lines:

<appAdminAccount>BizTalk Server Administrators</appAdminAccount>
<appUserAccount>BizTalk Application Users</appUserAccount>
<flags configStoreApp="yes" allowLocalAccounts="yes" enableApp="yes" />

First lines are important because our user should be under one of previous groups. Last line is important because determine that our application is for configuration.

Now I will explain how to set/get the properties' values from command line. We have to use BTSScnSSOApplicationConfig.exe tool.
The sintaxis for this tool to set a value is:
BTSScnSSOApplicationConfig.exe -set <appName> <id> <propertyName> <propertyValue>
The sintaxis for this tool to get a value is:
BTSScnSSOApplicationConfig.exe -get <appName> <id> <propertyName>

For example, to modify my "db.passwd" value:
BTSScnSSOApplicationConfig.exe -set "My Application" ConfigProperties db.passwd mynewpasswd

To obtain this value:
BTSScnSSOApplicationConfig.exe -get "My Application" ConfigProperties db.passwd

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